45+ years of experience and investments to our in-house sheet extrusion, thermoforming, CNC trimming and value-added assembly processes.

Founded under the name Thermwood Corporation in 1969, Spencer Industries, Inc. continues exploring and developing innovative solutions that solve the most complex problems of thermoforming. Headquartered in the heart of the United States, Dale, Indiana, Spencer Industries also manufactures thermoformed product in South Carolina, Iowa, and Ohio. In over 570,000 square feet and with more than 290 employees, Spencer Industries delivers 45+ years of experience and investments to our in-house sheet extrusion, thermoforming, CNC trimming and value-added assembly processes.
We employ the finest team members in the industry. Our associates demonstrate to our customers their knowledge of and passion for their businesses by manufacturing the highest quality thermoformed products. Our Team includes more than 30 degreed Engineers directing our commitment to continuous improvement.
Kaizen activities and the commitment to continuous improvement represent some of the intricate threads weaved into the fabric of our company. This forward thinking and proactive approach allows us to exceed customer expectations.
Spencer’s customer service moves beyond the basics of price and pushes expectations of quality and delivery. Our customer-centric ideals drive our customers’ efficiency and success.

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Spencer Industries Incorporated
Product Showcase
We offer an exceptional team manufacturing exceptional products using vacuum forming, thermoforming, pressure forming and twin-sheeting, and value-added assemblies.